Truth in Impact

We empower organizations to glean data-driven insights about the impact their stakeholders experience

Photo by Ron Hansen

Developing insights

… does not require a mountain of data

… can inform improvements to products and services

… will amplify the needs and the voices of those we serve

Working in partnership, Calidris can help your team:

  • Center “customer voice” — glean deeper insights about the needs of your most important stakeholders

  • Build a data-driven culture and empower your workforce with the right tools, processes

  • Collect data in a structured format, and easily translate it into actionable business intelligence

  • Improve the quality of your data and its velocity throughout the organization and beyond

  • Formulate a strategy and build infrastructure to harness the next wave of data science / AI innovation for good

Calidris (kah-LEE-driss)

(Greek) Official genus name of the sandpiper.

Our mascot is industrious and inquisitive. We are inspired by how it uses its strong, sensitive beak to probe deeply into sand to find its treasures.

About Us

Sachi Shenoy, Co-Founder and CEO

Sachi Shenoy works for a future in which every human can live a life of dignity – one with agency, financial security, and meaningful work. Her training spans economics, finance, and data science, and every role in her 25-year career has intersected these disciplines. She co-founded Calidris in 2022 to help mission-driven organizations glean insights from their data, and amplify the voices of those they serve. Prior to Calidris she co-founded Upaya Social Ventures, serving as its Executive Director and Chief Impact Officer. She also worked as a foreign exchange trader and helped launch the MorganMarkets platform at JP Morgan Chase, advised the banking industry as a PricewaterhouseCoopers consultant, developed new impact assessment strategies at Unitus, and co-led the first urban microfinance operation for SKS in New Delhi. Sachi holds a BA in Economics and MBA in Finance with high honors from the University of Chicago. She is an entrepreneur, life-long learner, disability advocate, musician, and survivor. To get her excited one need only ask about her rescue dogs or buttered popcorn obsession.

Dr. Shai Azoulai, Co-Founder and Chief Data Officer

Dr. Shai Azoulai is a cognitive neuroscientist and data enthusiast who has a passion for understanding the different ways people think, learn, and make sense of the world. His neuroscience research focuses on the ways that the brain learns as it processes and interprets vast quantities of sensory data to build our perception of reality. He loves studying complex systems and sensemaking regardless of whether the data is coming from our brain or a computer. He believes that everyone has the capacity to make a difference in the world and has worked for decades to empower individuals through education. He co-founded Calidris out of a need for sensemaking on a larger scale and believes that by helping people to be heard we can empower entire communities. Dr. Azoulai has over 20 years of consulting experience in data science. He has worked on a wide range of projects, from measuring social influence online, to architecting an AI that identifies cancer cells in blood. He has PhDs in Cognitive Science & Psychology as well as a BS in Computer Science & AI. In his spare time he conducts seminars about creativity, learning, and cognitive psychology. He loves music, hiking, and lapidary arts.